Sunday, August 16, 2009


How is the drinking ice water doing?

Did you do whatever form of push-ups this week?

Did you eat breakfast...hungry or not?

Did you get your Cardio. in?

If you could answer yes to all great, if not see if this will help.

Research shows that permanent fat loss is more likely when you think in the third person instead of first person. For example: you observe yourself walking for 20 mins. Not I will walk for 20 mins. today. Somehow the seeing yourself doing it makes you do it.

So for this week: Before you go to bed and in the morning before you get out of bed visualize whatever type of cardio. you are going to do. Be it walking, running, cycling or swimming. See yourself walking down the street in the morning after that nice big glass of ice water, the sun is shinning the birds are chirping and you have this smile on your face and you are taking nice deep breaths of fresh air and it is a great day etc. This week do cardio on three days. (Sorry I will try and get this email out on Sat. so that you can plan your week out on Sunday, which is what I do. I have been working 10 - 12 hrs day at school getting my new room and grade ready and I am almost there. Then life can get back to a better cycle. I did take Sat. off and went for a 5 hr. hike with a friend who is visiting from Arizona. We had a great time hiking and visiting. But after church today I was back to my classroom and now here I am at the computer as most of you are probably already sleeping.)

This week you will add: Twice a week do some core and leg strengthening.
As we are all aging we need our core strong for balance and better posture.
Do something like crunches or elbow to knee curl ups (bicycle) Do what you can...if you can do 10 reps. 3 times that is your goal, but do as many as but no more that 12 before a 1 min. rest. Slow and steady is better than fast.

Now for the legs: Choose from seated leg extensions, sit and a chair and lift one leg at a time extending it straight out. again do 10 to 12 lifts then change to the other leg. do 3 sets. or My favorite is to sit back against the wall like you are sitting in a chair but minus the chair, hold till you can't any longer. Or do standing leg lifts. Or calf raises. I'm sure all of you know these exercises... if not email me and I will explain them.

To recap this week.

Drink 10-12 glasses of ice water
Start with a healthy breakfast
have a healthy snack or meal every three hours.
3 days of cardio.
2 days of core and legs
if you want to cont. the pushups go ahead... I think next week I will add upper body anyway.. so you will be that much stronger starting that week.

I will talk more next week about food choices.

Thanks for the was good to hear that some of you are really working at being healthier, happier and fitter.


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